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Glattalbahn: Phase Two opens

filed on: 17.12.2008 (17th Dec 2008)

VBG Glattalbahn Bahnhof Balsberg The opening of Glattalbahn's phase two (to the airport) took place on Saturday (13th December). A special shuttle service was operated between the airport and Auzelg, with full operation of route 10 not commencing until the following day.

Snow provided a fitting setting for the white trams, while not discouraging visitors – with most trams being well filled and events along the route being well patronised. In service were all Glattal-liveried units (3062-5) and VBZ liveried 3060. This was possibly 3065's first day in public service.

I have uploaded a series of photographs of the event here. Unfortunately, in contrast to the press presentation of October, the trams were not specially decorated for the event.

This news item is from the 2008 newslog.

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